The Limitations of GPT-3 in Programming: Unstable Code and Lack of Critical Thinking

Tech Trailblazer
3 min readMar 17, 2023


Text transformers like GPT-3 have been making waves in the tech industry lately, with their ability to generate human-like text in a matter of seconds. However, when it comes to programming, these tools fall short. In this article, we’ll explore the limitations of GPT-3 and other text transformers when it comes to programming, including generating unstable code and lacking critical thinking skills.

First, it’s important to understand what text transformers like GPT-3 are and how they work. These models are based on a type of artificial intelligence called natural language processing (NLP), which allows machines to understand and generate human-like language. GPT-3 is one of the largest and most powerful NLP models available today, with 175 billion parameters that allow it to generate text that is often indistinguishable from that written by a human.

However, while GPT-3 and other text transformers are impressive when it comes to generating human-like text, they struggle when it comes to programming. One of the main limitations of these models is that they lack context and understanding of the underlying logic and structure of programming languages. They can generate code that looks correct on the surface, but often fails when actually executed. This is because programming is more than just syntax — it requires an understanding of the underlying logic and structure of the language.

Additionally, GPT-3 and other text transformers lack critical thinking skills, which are essential for programming. Critical thinking involves the ability to analyze problems, identify potential issues, and come up with creative solutions. While GPT-3 can generate text that appears to solve a problem, it does not have the ability to analyze the problem in depth and identify potential issues or edge cases.

Another limitation of GPT-3 when it comes to programming is the lack of transparency in the generated code. Since GPT-3 is a black box model, it’s difficult to understand how it arrived at a particular solution or piece of code. This makes it difficult for developers to debug and modify the generated code, as they may not fully understand how it works.

Furthermore, GPT-3 is not well-suited for tasks that require specialized knowledge, such as programming in specific domains like finance or healthcare. These models are trained on a general corpus of text and lack the specialized knowledge and domain expertise required for programming in these fields.

Despite these limitations, GPT-3 and other text transformers can still be useful tools for programmers. For example, they can be used for generating boilerplate code, such as setting up a basic website or initializing a new project. They can also be used for generating documentation or comments, which can save time and improve the readability of code.

In conclusion, while GPT-3 and other text transformers are impressive tools for generating human-like text, they are not well-suited for programming. Their limitations include generating unstable code, lacking critical thinking skills, and the lack of transparency in generated code. However, they can still be useful for certain tasks and should be viewed as a tool to augment, rather than replace, human programmers.



Tech Trailblazer

Exploring the latest tech trends and innovations is my passion. I bring a unique perspective and years of experience to every article.